

I did have my 101 things list on my main blog but I found that I wasnt really able to focus on it or to really document what i'm doing. There was just too much other stuff that I needed to write on it and this was getting lost. So here it is in a blog all to itself!

So this it where i'm going to keep track of everything ... this is the progress so far:

1. grateful diary - I started off really well with this but I was trying to do it weekly and this just wasnt working. I'll now be attempting it more likely on the monthly basis.
2. read ten Inspirational books (0/10) C nicely bought the book Anna Karina for me...this is one of the book on my list. I think i need to make a more definite list though.
6. Unclutter once a month/15 times (0/15) This is in desperate need to be done - am trying to do a bit every day...need more focus!

11. dine at fifteen restaurants never visited (2/15) £5 into savings per event
17.08.08 - St John's Restaurant - sunday dinner
30.08.08 - Greigs Grill Restaurant

This one is def an easy one as we love eating out !!! There is plans in the pipe line for dinner next friday and a museum thing to tick off another item...

15. Put £50 into savings once a task is complete - And a scale accordingly for tasks performed in stages ie. £10 per monthly task
19.08.08 - #11, #42, #43, #61 - £65 into savings
Need to make another payment for goal achieved!
19. BUild savings in SA - send a certain amount each month (0/33)
This needs to be sorted!
21. Work on budget every month (0/33)
29.09.08 - budget for oct

Health and Fitness and climbing
27. Sort back pain out - Need to get xrays from friend...to do this weekend/next week
29. Do boots weight thing once a month (1/33)
08.08.08 - done
Need to go do again !
32. Go climbing at least once a week (3/143)
Went on Saturday to try get into going to the gym regularly ! need to keep it up but need to be careful on the joints! Need to start taking the supplements
33. sort out implant - Have appointment to be put in on Wednesday !

37. Go to at least 15 concerts/live music (1/15)
04.10.08 - Disturbed @ Brixton Academy - this was AWESOME
42. Go to art galleries/museums every month (2/33) £5 per event into savings
10.08.08 - Skin and Bones exhibition @ Somerset House
21.09.08 - Scotland trip stuff

Plan afoot to go to the Hadrian exhibit next week :)

44. Go ice skating each winter at a classic location in London (0/2)
We want to go to somerset house - need to pick a date and book

48. Make photo album books - iPhoto - Need to start making head way on this - i have a plan
49. Take a selfportrait once a month (0/33) ok so i forgot about this one...will get it started

56. Hand write and snail mail 10 letters (0/10) TO DO
57. Write and mail at least one 'thinking of you' card each month. (0/33) TO DO
59. Write to Dad by hand every month (0/33) Have started first one - need to finish and send!

61. use a re-useable bag for the shopping
19.08.08 - Bought little reuseable fold away shopping bag
I love my reusable bag - and i'm getting so much better at useing it for everything. I recommend this to everyone.

72. go on vacation and don't check email/facebook/myspace/etc.
20.09.08 - 24.09.08 - trip to scotland...did not touch anything electronic the whole time...and didnt really think about it.
73. Go Skiing - Need to start putting together the information for this...perhaps visit the metro ski and snowboard show this month.

77. buy all christmas presents online - planning to commence
78. Buy digital camera

81. Donate unwanted clothes - huge clothing clear out to take place this weekend!

Random/To Do’s/Organization/IT
85. Convert drivers license - Ok so this def needs to be done! Have the form and have them filled out - need to do passport photos
86. Organise clothing see #81

89. Use Podcasts
have subscribed to some - need to put them onto ipod and start listening
92. Catalog books I've read properly - look into open source software called books for mac

96. Learn Spanish - C has downloaded stuff to learn - need to get ahold of it from the server and start on this


Unknown said...

Very interesting idea for a blog, I like it. That's a lot to complete though!

MidniteGem said...

Thanks !

It actually isnt that much to complete since I have 2.75 years to do it all. And I have no pressure to actually do it all since I'm going to donate money to charity for everyone not done so there is no feeling bad if i didnt achieve it all.

Making the list in the first place helps you to realise all the things that you really want in your life and def helps organise my VERY scatty brain.